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The PM1000X5 1,000 Watt full-range 5-channel is the one-and-only amplifier you will need to run your entire system. Run dash speakers off the front channels, run back speakers off the rear channels and run subwoofer(s) off the 5th channel! Known world-wide for brute power, this amplifier offers a higher level of efficiency along with a tri-stage protection that covers thermal, over-current and short circuits.
High level input capable with Auto Turn-On circuit
Features C.L.E.A.N. Set-up
Optional remote Punch Level Control (PLC2) ready (w/ input clip indicator)
12dB/octave Butterworth crossover
On-board Punch EQ with +18dB boost @ 45Hz
Muted turn on
Stealth top mounted control panel
Cast aluminum heatsink
Short circuit protection
Over current protection
Infrasonic filter
2/4 channel input switch
Marine grade two part epoxy coating on circuit boards
Marine grade stainless steel hardware
ROCKFORD FOSGATE PM1000x5 (EU) PUNCH 5CH Amp 5 Kanal Verstärker Boote Marine Outdoor
4 x 75 / 125 Watt RMS an 4 / 2 Ω (analog) + 1 x 150 / 300 / 500 Watt RMS an 4 / 2 / 1 Ω (digital)
HP/LP 50-250 Hz
CH5: LP 50-250 Hz
28 Hz Subsonic Filter
0-18 dB Bass Boost
2/4 CH Input Select
High Level Inputs mit Auto Turn On
Optional PLC2 Bass-Remote
Inkl. Leistungszertifikat
AP-Power*: 4 x 106 / 171 + 1 x 279 / 496 / 763 Watt RMS
197x61x382 mm
Audio Design Lautsprecher Vertriebs GmbH
Am Breilingsweg 3
76709 Kronau
Deutschland Germany
Telefon: +49 7253 9465 0
Email: [email protected]
Bruno Dammert / Audio Design Lautsprecher Vertriebs GmbH
Am Breilingsweg 3
76709 Kronau
Deutschland Germany
Telefon: +49 7253 9465 0
Email: [email protected]
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